Board Private Page

Important Dates

Board meetings are scheduled in advance, and will run 7-9 PM, unless noted. Reference reading and Zoom links will be emailed 2 weeks prior to the meeting.

Meeting Schedule

Board Contact List

Here are the full contact details for the Board of Directors. If you would like your information changed or new details added, please contact Christie at the Administration Office.


Bylaws relate to the transaction of business and affairs of the South West District for Culture, Recreation and Sport Inc.

Governance Policies

Governance is the exercise of authority, direction and control of the District in order to ensure its Vision is achieved. It refers to who is in charge of what; who sets the direction and the parameters within which the direction is to be pursued; who makes decisions about what; who sets performance indicators, monitors progress and evaluates results; and, who is accountable to whom for what. Governance includes the structures, responsibilities and processes that the District Board uses to direct and manage its operations.

These structures, processes and policies determine how authority is exercised, how decisions are taken, how membership have their say and how decision makers are held to account. Governance policies formalize the roles and responsibilities of the board and establish its functions and practices. They outline how the District under Governance is to function.

Governance Policies include the Executive Limitations which describe the boundaries of prudent ethical behavior within which the Executive Director can operate.

Dispute Resolution Policies

Dispute Resolution Policies were created to comply with Sask Sport membership requirements. Policies are a comprehensive set of guiding templates and supporting resources to assist with managing complaints and disputes when they may arise. 

Strategic Plan

The SWDCRS is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. Board members represent communities from across the South West District. The Board develops attainable goals in the Strategic Plan with clear direction to enable the staff of the District to create an effective Operational Plan to move the organization successfully into the future.

General Reference 

You may also be interested in these additional references about the District.

2024-2025 Monthly Financial Reports

Executive Director Monitoring Reports

Recent Meetings